Portfolio value spike due to missing price history for dogwifhat (WIF)
Emma - CoinTracker
Users may experience:
- Portfolio value spike during ~November 21st 2023 - Dec 7th 2023
- Users with dogwifhat transactions prior to December 19th 2023
Expected behavior:
- CoinTracker should not be showing a high value for an asset if the price history does not cover the dates for that asset.
- Price history should be omitted if it is not applicable to an assets date range
As a user, what should I do?
- No action needed on behalf of users! Our team is aware of the behavior and is working to address the discrepancy. The value spike does not have tax calculation implications.
How can users provide feedback?
You can upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to
once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change.I need additional assistance, who can I contact?
For further assistance, please contact our support team directly.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience!
Keyword: dogwifhat, wif, december price spike, december spike, price history, portfolio spike, wrong numbers, unrealized return
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Sarah T. - CoinTracker