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Crypto to crypto trade transactions are not being imported on Kucoin exchange
Users may experience: As a user who trades and manages my crypto portfolio on Kucoin I expect CoinTracker to import all of my transaction history. Users report seeing their Buys, Sells, Transfers and in some cases their crypto to USDT trades being successfully imported into CoinTracker via their API integration sync for the Kucoin exchange. Users are reporting crypto to crypto trades not importing into CoinTracker causing balance discrepancies and incomplete transaction histories. Crypto to crypto trades include trading non-fiat tokens for other non-fiat tokens. An example of this would be: Trading BTC for ETH, SOL for ETH, ETH for XRP etc. As a user, what should I do? Currently, users will need to manually add missing transactions. Alternatively, if you are a user that is missing a lot of transactions we recommend that you transition your Kucoin exchange to a CSV import instead of the our API integration. Users can format their Kucoin transaction history CSV per this guide and import the CSV into CoinTracker as next step while we improve this integration. How can users provide feedback? You can upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to Complete once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change. I need additional assistance, who can I contact? For further assistance, please contact our support team directly . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience! Keywords: Kucoin, trades, missing transactions


Gain / Loss changes when making a manual edit on a transaction for Coinbase API integration / FTX US CSV import
Users may experience: Users may see their capital gains / loss change slightly when adding a comment to a transaction in Coinbase / FTX US CSV import. This only applies to integrations that support spot pricing which currently only include Coinbase and FTX US CSV import The original gains values a user sees in CoinTracker used the spot pricing we received from Coinbase via our API integration & FTX US CSV import. When a manual change is made, that is any change that would result in a manual tag - in this case a comment, we do not transfer the spot price value of ETH over automatically we infer the price of the asset based on the price history in our (CoinTrackers) database. Expected behavior: Users expect their cost basis to be pulled in based on their exchange price. As a user, what should I do? As a workaround, a user can either, set a custom proceed to attain the expected gain per their CB spot price or avoid adding comments to Coinbase / FTX US CSV import. How can users provide feedback? You can upvote this forum post to indicate you are experiencing this behavior. The post status will be changed to Complete once a fix is rolled out to all users. Up-voters will be notified of the status change. I need additional assistance, who can I contact? For further assistance, please contact our support team directly . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance your CoinTracker experience! Keywords: FTX, Coinbase, Spot price, manual edit
