We hope you’re having a fun summer — we certainly did working on these improvements. Here are some of the updates rolling out to CoinTracker:
🤖 Automatically fetch Lido ETH rewards
If you stake ETH on Lido, we’ll now automatically fetch your staking rewards, including historical rewards, and tag them. We’ve also updated our tax plans to avoid nickel and diming you for many small staking transactions. We hope you feel the warm fuzzies watching the steady accrual of stETH in your wallets.
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Coinbase Prime integration is live
You can now add your Coinbase Prime account to CoinTracker to track your portfolio and sync your transactions. Start your taxes early and add your Coinbase Prime account to CoinTracker today.
🏖️ Base mainnet integration is live
If you're ready for Onchain Summer, you can rest easy knowing that CoinTracker has the support you need to prepare for the next tax season. Sync your wallets on Base mainnet to CoinTracker to start tracking your portfolio with ease.
📱 Improved transactions experience in mobile apps
Our mobile apps now show outgoing tokens, incoming tokens, and transaction fees. It's also easier to edit, ignore, and tag transactions. Dive into your transactions on the go:
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⚖️ Redesigned portfolio performance
See your portfolio’s value, unrealized return, and total return side by side. Selecting a tab shows how performance has changed over time. And while we were at it, we added an explainer for how performance numbers are calculated.
☁️ Easily import CoinTracker CSVs
Importing spreadsheets to CoinTracker just got a refresh. Our CoinTracker CSV format auto-accepts popular date formats, columns can be in any order, and handles extra-long numbers automatically.
Bug fixes
  • We fixed a bug that caused missing transactions on the mobile app for some users
  • We tidied up how CoinTracker looks on iPad
  • We stopped the mobile app from crashing when changing country
  • We solved an issue preventing Australian users from accessing historical tax reports
  • We fixed a bug causing the dashboard to error out for some users
For more, follow us on Twitter.
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